Campaign Manager - Campaigns

Audience Screen Features

The Audience screen is where you specify the criteria for who you are going to include and exclude from the audience of your campaign.

The procedure for doing this is described within the Campaign Manager - Campaigns section. However, the Audience screen has a number of features that are described here.

How counts work in the Audience screen

  • Click the Calculate button to calculate the entire audience.
  • When an audience contains multiple segments, they are joined with the OR operator, for example, Segment1 OR Segment2. This results in the calculation of Total Inclusions and Total Exclusions.
  • Sampling is applied to the Audience calculation of Inclusions minus Exclusions. See Creating and editing audiences for more detail.
  • If you add up the individual segment counts, you will not necessarily have the correct Inclusion or Exclusion total counts, as some people could appear in more than one segment.
  • Counts at Audience level are always at the level of the table specified in the Outputs field at the top of the Audience screen.
  • Individual segments in the Audience can have different resolutions, in which case there will be two columns of counts, the segment resolution on the left and the audience count on the right:

Bar Count Visualization

  • The bars show the relative contribution of each segment or sample in relation to the Inclusion Total. The Inclusion Total sets the scale and is always 100%.
  • The red Exclusion bars are sized in the same way, unless the scale is no longer valid because the Inclusion total is bigger. In this case, the bar contains a broken line.
  • At the Audience Outputs level:
    • Blue part of the bar hows the proportion of the Inclusions that make the Final Audience.
    • Red part of the bar shows the proportion of the Inclusions that are removed by the Exclusions.
    • Pink part of the bar shows the proportion of the Inclusions that are removed by the Random Sample .
    • Orange part of the bar shows the proportion of the Inclusions that are removed by the N per X Sample .
    • Brown part of the bar shows the proportion of the Inclusions that are removed by the N Row Sample

    Hover over the bar to see the exact counts displayed in a tooltip:

Audience Validation

  • The audience is only able to calculate correctly if all segments are valid and all are linked to the table selected in the Outputs field. If one or more segments is invalid, a message is displayed and the invalid or unlinked segment is highlighted.
  • The Record Viewer button is only active if all the segments on that level are valid. When the Record Viewer is opened, the segment is recalculated, so counts could change of your database is updated intra-day.

Other functionality in the Audience screen

  • There is a drag handle between the Inclusions and Exclusions sections of the screen. Use this handle to increase and decrease the section display areas:

  • To rename segments in an Audience, click the button and select Rename.
Note: Master Segments can only be renamed in Segment Builder by users with permissions.
  • To see the segment logic without opening the segment, hover over the segment name and a summary of the logic is displayed in a tooltip:

Saving the Audience

  • When you click the Done button in the Audience screen, you are returned to the Campaign Designer screen. To save the changes you made to the Audience, you must click the Save button in Campaign Designer.
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